You need to find a reason to move forward to become successful in anything you do. In Crypto Elevation, we have the opportunity to conquer all of our dreams and wishes as a team (community) together. Paying-It Forward! We have a "platform" that gives us "purpose" which gives us our "why" we are doing this.
Crypto Elevation has a "cause" (crusade) to enhance the funding of the work provided by Choice Humanitarian. They are honoring us by giving us the opportunity to fund our own "cause" as well as our own "crusade". Both are different! A "cause" is what we wish to achieve for "us" and give us purpose. The "crusade" is what we wish to promote support for, such as: Charities, Foundations, Support, Assistance, etc.
To give you the "drive" and "motivation" to make miracle's happen, you need to:
Define your "cause" - see "define your cause PDF" and "cause jogger PDF"
Define your "crusade" - see "define your crusade PDF" and "crusade jogger PDF"
I'm sure you know someone who has passed away by cancer, diabetes, heart issues, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, etc. or you care for animals, homeless people, children, etc. Your choice is your "crusade".
With this "power" behind you, you will strive to drive your success to the maximum. You now have "purpose". Fill in the information for your "cause" and "crusade" and make everyone aware of your intentions. You can even post your "crusades" on your marketing emails or texts. This is a simple business and a business from the "heart". Only you can make it work!
Note: You must be serious if you have your own "crusade". You must comply to honor your words. I suggest if you were to make your very own donations, that you do it from your profits, on a quarterly basis or twice a year. You can also post the updated amount of donations you have passed to your "crusade". This shows "validity" for your efforts.
Do not sign up members who will not work the program! If you were an employer, would you hire an employee who refuses to work? Use the same train of thought while building this. The more members you sign up that do not work, the more you have to work to make up for it. That is very important to remember. This is a business (funnel) opportunity so treat it exactly like one. That is the best advice I can share with anyone.
To get to STAGE 4: You will need to receive 3 Stage 3 donations, why not 2? Because Stage 4 jumps from $360.00USD worth of donations all the way to $900.00USD worth of donations ($360.00 X 2.5= $900.00). This extra donation covers your initial $90.00USD for your monthly pay-up. In order to receive a Stage 3 donation, you must have active members on Stages 4-6. Stage 6 members push the money up to pay for your Stage 3 donations. This is how we are able to pay our higher amounts of donations per Stage. Otherwise, you would never receive more than $90.00USD per Stage. You will keep half of the 1st Stage 3 donations, then you will use the next two Stage 3 donations to go to Stage 4.
I receive a lot of questions regarding this. Why do I have 1,000 members, but I have only received X amount? Two Reasons:
Many of your members may not be active (means they did not fund/donate and activate)
This is the one we are really trying to emphasize. Your active members are deep but NOT wide. If you are pushing the first two donations per level up to upgrade to the next Stage, then you must build WIDE to see donations that you keep. Otherwise, you will just keep pushing the first two donations up and be at break even. Do not focus on building depth and volume on a lesser leg as you would in a binary plan; Instead focus on building wide first, deep second.