The Training Site
There is a fair amount of online businesses that do not make it and some only make it because the cost is so high that once you are in, you have invested too much of your own money to give it up. It just becomes a long stagnant business. Only a few at the top make it but continue to struggle to stay there. I've done this and had lost allot of money and drive because of this. But I did learn! You can spend years building a business, so how much time and money do you have? People attempt online business for extra money or to provide a retirement or early retirement. They join to "make money". Online products and services are more expensive than going to your local store for the same, similar product. The reason they do is to generate a future income. When it comes down to it, it's not the product or service, it's the desire "to make money".
This Is For Everyone
Note: These are my own results of my findings of over 30 years of Network Marketing. I have been a member in over 400 MLM businesses to learn, train and determine which are good and which are not. Some I tested to the fullest and some were gone very quickly. You must use this information at your own discretion. Please do not "quote" me on the "hear say" of my information. This Training is for my teams with the PowerXS Group to only attempt to help my team members to succeed in their endeavors and to help prevent them from making the mistakes I have made. The information you will see on my "personal" web site is direct and "straight from the hip". I do not believe in "smoke and mirrors". I tell it like it is.
NOTE: You must look at all these training links as a "general education" for all and determine which will work for you. Use my information at your own discretion. I believe everyone has a chance and deserves a chance. This is free!
NOTE: If certain links do not open, open them in a "new tab"
Prelaunch Your Business
How Do I Promote and To Who?
PRELAUNCH YOUR BUSINESS: This is a guide for you to prelaunch your new business venture (audio)
NAMES LIST: You must have a physical list of names to contact (audio)
MEMORY JOGGER: I don't know anybody response (audio)
DEFINE YOUR WHY: The reason you will want to do this (audio)
INCENTIVE PROGRAM: You can offer personal incentives (audio)
SPARKING THE INTEREST: How to get someone to listen to you (audio)
WHAT DO I SAY: What do I say to people about our program (audio)
TWO-STEP INTERVIEW: Assume the close or go home (audio)
FRIENDS AND FAMILY: The fear of approaching the most obvious people you know (audio)
KILLING THE CLOSE: A strategy for warm market and also for lead generation (audio)
PROMOTING vs SELLING: There is a difference (audio)
EMAILERS: Promoting by email or mobile texts (audio)
PRESENTATION FLOW: There is a flow from point "A" to point "B" (audio)
EDIFICATION: Acknowledgement of a mentor (audio)
SHARING INFORMATION: Yes, this is all a secret! (audio)
THIRD PARTY INFLUENCE: Use somebody else's talents (audio)
FREE WILL: We never force anybody. God gave all of us "free will" (audio)
FREEDOM OF CHOICE: God gave us this right! (audio)
FIVE STEPS TO SUCCESS: Success steps. Do this and there will be no failure (audio)
FOLLOW-UP: The importance of doing a follow-up (audio)
KEEPING IT SIMPLE: This is the "key" to this business (audio)
NEXT STEP: What do you do next to prepare for your business (audio)
DUPLICATION: Don't fix something that isn't broken. Duplication takes all the guessing out of the picture (audio)
PAY-IT-FORWARD SYSTEM: The "heart" behind the effort (audio)
PAY IT FORWARD WALLETS: The personal or group concepts to maximize growth in the matrix (audio)
LEG-UP WALLETS: The segregation of funds to pay-it-forward to others of misfortune (audio)
SENSE OF URGENCY: If you snooze, you lose (audio)
ASSUME THE CLOSE: People are on the fence and need a little push (audio)
POWER OF CONTACT AND FOLLOW-UP: Communication is most important (audio)
MARKETING SYSTEM: Your home office support system (audio)
MAXIMIZE YOUR LEVERAGE: Time management and strategies (audio)
TRIPLE PLAY: Marketing strategy (audio)
TEAM PLAY: ABC Group, etc (audio)
PEOPLE CAN FOOL YOU: Do not judge a book from its cover (audio)
REFERRALS: Pay attention to this value (audio)
SIMPLICITY: This is HUGE (audio)
WELCOME PAGE: We are all now - one (audio)
THE SECRET AGENT: Don't be one. You will fail! (audio)
GO GLOBAL-GO ELITE: The maximum success program (audio)
MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS: The power of multiple income streams and diversification (audio)
WHAT DO I DO: The simplicity of joining and avoiding procrastination (audio)
ONE-TIMERS vs MONTHLY: An evaluation of wasting time trying to build a future and avoiding the hassle of marketing (audio)
Change Your Way of Thinking
CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING: Times have changed, so you have to too (audio)
DEFINE YOUR WHY: The reason you will want to do this (audio)
DEFINE YOUR CAUSE: What do I wish to achieve (audio)
INCOME QUADRANTS: The way money works. Work hard or work smart! (audio)
RESPONSIBILITY CURVE: Where are you in life? Are you where they said you would be? (audio)
What is Crowd Funding
RUNNING CAPITAL: The cost of campaigning and survival (audio)
CROWD FUNDING EBOOK: Michael Courtois eBooks' of Crowd Funding (audio)
CROWD FUNDING: What is it and where does it fit in? (audio)
CROWD FUNDING CONFUSION: This can help us (audio)
CROWD FUNDING MATRIX: The direction of donations and compensation percentages (audio)
NETWORK MARKETING: What is this? (audio)
PROMOTING vs SELLING: There is a difference (audio)
DEFINE YOUR WHY: The reason you will want to do this (audio)
DEFINE YOUR CAUSE: What do I wish to achieve (audio)
CAUSE JOGGER: Memory jogger for defining your cause (audio)
DEFINE YOUR CRUSADE: Which crusade do you wish to promote (audio)
CRUSADE JOGGER: A list of foundations and charities (audio)
MY VISION: By design of my own and managed (audio)
CASH FUNNEL: Centralized - Regulated (audio)
CRYPTO FUNNEL: Decentralized - Non regulated (audio)
DONATION FUNNEL: Another way of visualizing how this works (audio)
The Difference From Crowd Funding and MLM
MLM vs CROWD FUNDING: Nothing wrong with either but they are different (audio)
PROMOTING vs SELLING: There is a difference (audio)
AFFORDABILITY: The income ranges to do this or other businesses (audio)
OPPORTUNITY: Your lucky to have this (audio)
WORK FROM HOME: The simplicity of the business (audio)
SIMPLICITY: This is HUGE (audio)
PRICE AND COST: Hidden costs and fees (audio)
DONATION RECEIPTS: Private donations described (audio)
AUTOMATION: The hands-off part of this. Total freedom (audio)
FORCED MATRIX: The power of team effort (audio)
PRODUCT: What is our product? (audio)
HOW DO I GET PAID: The methods of payment and when (audio)
RUNNING CAPITAL: The expenses in business and promotion (audio)
How Do I Do This
HOW DO I ENROLL SOMEONE: The simple steps to enroll a new member in two ways (audio)
HOW DO I SIGN UP: This is soooooooooo simple (audio)
Understanding Concepts and Reality
NO: The biggest word (audio)
CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING: We have been programmed to fail or see things the wrong way (audio)
BUYING POWER: Relating "all" crypto currency as a form of payment (audio)
BE NICE: Poison pen letter concept (Audio)
BRICKS AND MORTAR: The why for this type of business (audio)
DIVERSIFICATION: Don't put all your eggs in one basket (audio)
COMMON SENSE: Reality (audio)
LOGIC: If its not logical then they won't do it (audio)
WHAT IS FREEDOM: Defining freedom (audio)
CASH VALUE vs POINT VALUE: The longevity of comp plans (audio)
PAY-IT-FORWARD SYSTEM: The "heart" behind the effort (audio)
ANONYMOUS IMMUNITY: The bonus behind crypto currencies (audio)
DELAYED GRATIFICATION: This is valuable to understand (audio)
DUPLICATION: Don't fix something that isn't broken. Duplication takes all the guessing out of the picture (audio)
PROMISSORY NOTE PDF: Pay-it-forwards concepts (audio)
FORCED MATRIX: How does this work? (audio)
INCOME QUADRANTS: The way money works. Work hard or work smart! (audio)
MAKING A DEAL: This is a common sense feature (audio)
WHY OWN A BUSINESS: Ya! Why own it? (audio)
WHY JOIN AS A MEMBER: Members have their benefits (audio)
THE HYPE: We don't want the hype. Rah! Rah! is bull (audio)
MASTER MARKETER: How to become the best of the best (audio)
MOTIVATION: How to generate motivation for yourself and for your team (audio)
MIDDLE MAN: Get him out of our lives (audio)
MLM FITS: The world has changed (audio)
NUMBERS GAME: Understanding this can ease your mind and protect your pride (audio)
REPETITION: Your mouth needs to practice talking (audio)
PEOPLE CAN FOOL YOU: Do not judge a book from its cover (audio)
RESPONSIBILITY CURVE: Where are you in life? Are you where they said you would be? (audio)
REFERRALS: Pay attention to this value (audio)
PRO'S AND CON'S: The good and the bad (audio)
REFER US: We are asking for help! (audio)
STAY IN TOUCH: You will have a family of 510 members (audio)
VERBAL TICK'S: You can kill a deal because they stopped listening (audio)
SPILLOVER: The magic of a "forced matrix" (audio)
SUCCESS SECRETS: Secrets to how superstars are made (audio)
SUGGESTIONS: Let me know what I can do for you or evaluate my efforts on my site training (audio)
CONCEPT SUGGESTIONS: Let me know your needs to enhance your business (audio)
POWER PLAY: Maximize your earnings and your donations (audio)
SQUEEZE PLAY: The power behind temptation (audio)
PROFIT LEGS: Part of tripleplay (audio)
LOSS LEADER: Part of tripleplay (audio)
SUPERSTARS: What is a superstar? (audio)
WHAT IF: Answering the common rejection (audio)
CONNECTOR: What is a connector (audio)
SHARE YOUR LIST: Third party power (audio)
TAX BREAKS: Anonymous or cash (audio)
UNDERSTANDING THE SYSTEM: Details to understand (audio)
THEY CAN'T LOSE: There actually is no fear (audio)
YOUR BUCKET LIST: The normal purpose of motivation to live (audio)
TWO FOR FREEDOM: This is how it's done (audio)
WALLET RESERVE: This protects your success (audio)
MORE: Additional Information (audio)
CHANGING WORLD: The things we knew before are now no good (audio)
POVERTY IS MAJORITY: Change your way of thinking (audio)
RESIDUAL INCOME: The need (audio)
FLAGSHIP: Our Flagship promotion (audio)
ELITE MEMBER: To become an Elite member (audio)
GO SLOW: Our beginners program (audio)
GO MEDIUM: Our apprentice program (audio)
GO FAST: Our "lets getter done" program (audio)
Cause, The Why, Crusade and Campaign Rally
MOTIVATION: How to generate motivation for yourself and for your team (audio)
YOUR LEGACY: This Business is willable
WHAT IS YOUR "CAUSE" and "CRUSADE": Crypto Elevations and your personal "WHY" (audio)
DISCOVER YOUR VISION: The total concept of dreams (audio)
LIFE INSURANCE: Allot more than you think (audio)
INCENTIVE PROGRAM: Motivational incentives (audio)
Common Questions and Answers
FACTS: World facts and business facts (audio)
QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Common concerns (audio1) (audio2) (audio3) (audio4)
FIVE STEPS TO SUCCESS: Success steps. Do this and there will be no failure (audio)
KEY PHRASES: Common sense thinking (audio)
ASKING QUESTIONS: You need to NOT guess. Ask so you know also the "Columbo" affect (audio)
MAKING A DEAL: This is a common sense feature (audio)
ASSUME THE CLOSE: Do I sound pushy (audio)
KILLING THE CLOSE: A strategy for warm market and also for lead generation (audio)
Dealing With Rejection
ADVICE: Understanding the way things are today (audio)
ADVICE BAD: Listening to others without knowing the truth (audio)
NO: The biggest word (audio)
RIGHT TO OBJECT: The arguments and comments and why are they there (audio)
WORSE ODDS: To understand it is a numbers game makes you see rejection in a different way (audio)
I DON'T KNOW ANYBODY: Of course you don't. This is only an excuse to be lazy (audio)
I HAVE FAILED BEFORE: Your confidence crushed and your name-sake is tainted (audio)
I HAVE NO TIME TO DO ANYTHING: People always say they have no time. This is why they need this (audio)
MAKING A DEAL: This is a common sense feature (audio)
WHAT IS LEGAL: The integrity involve with this type of business (audio)
WHAT IS A SCAM: Terms (audio)
YOU CAN'T FIX STUPID: These people will never have an open mind (audio)
PEOPLE ARE PEOPLE: This is life (audio)
COMFORT ZONE: We are all victims to this (audio)
TERMINATION PDF: Paperwork, if required (audio)
Tools for Success
WEBINARS: This is your contact with your Company and Community (audio)
MARKETING SYSTEM: Your home office support system (audio)
MYPE SPLASH PAGE: How do you get a "" splash page for promoting? (audio)
BACK OFFICE: Your home office control system (audio)
AUDIO TRAINING: The training system in audio. You can download the MP3 and listen in your car
APPLICATION FORMAT: The information required (audio)
CALCULATORS ONLINE: Conversion calculators to find out what you have in buying power (audio)
CARDS AND FLYERS: Advertising hints (audio)
CRYPTO CONVERSION: Crypto to Cash - Cast to Crypto (audio)
WILL KITS: Always protect your survived (audio)
CRYPTO TO CASH: Where and what responsibilities are required (audio)
EWALLETS: The different kinds of wallets and where they fit in (audio)
EMAILERS: The proper way to mass-email without spamming (audio)
FUNDING: The methods of funding (audio)
MENTORS: Use them. They have the knowledge you need (audio)
TOOLS: Digital programs, downloads, etc. (audio)
Crypto Elevation Details and "Smoke & Mirrors"
SMOKE AND MIRRORS: Lies, cons and hidden entities (audio)
BRICKS AND MORTAR: What is this? (audio)
GLOBAL POOLS: What is this? (audio)
HOLDING TANK: What is this? (audio)
FORCED SALES: What is this? (audio)
PRODUCT: What is this? (audio)
MATCHING BONUS: What is this? (audio)
What is Crypto Currency
ANONYMOUS IMMUNITY: The bonus behind crypto currencies (audio)
COINS: How come we have them and what is a "cap"? (audio)
CENTRALIZED AND REGULATED: The difference between regulated and non-regulated currency (audio)
CRYPTO OBSERVATION: What's coming? What do you notice? (audio)
CURRENCY EVOLUTION: What's happening. We can see it already (audio)
ETHEREUM COINS: What is Ethereum? (audio)
BITCOIN: What is Bitcoin? (audio)
WHAT IS BLOCKCHAIN: Describing the base of crypto currency (audio)
Where To Buy And Spend Crypto
BUYING CRYPTO: The avenues of buying and selling (audio)
SPENDING CRYPTO: The best part (audio)
WE ACCEPT CRYPTO: This is a site link for honoring Crypto Currencies as their payment method (audio)
CRYPTO RATES: Website that keep track of daily rates of coins (audio)
FUNDING: The methods of funding (audio)
The Purchasing Power Using Crypto
ANONYMOUS IMMUNITY: The bonus behind crypto currencies (audio)
CENTRALIZED AND REGULATED: The difference between regulated and non-regulated currency (audio)
THE PURCHASING POWER OF CRYPTO: Only a "form of payment" and then some (audio)
Support System
FREE CONSULTATION: Let me answer your questions and help guide you to success (audio)
SUPPORT SYSTEMS: You are not alone unless you make it that way (audio)
FUNDING: The methods of funding (audio)
MARKETING SYSTEM: Your home office support system (audio)
STAY IN TOUCH: You will have a family of 510 members (audio)
WEBINARS: This is your contact with your Company and Community (audio)
POWERXS TEAM: What it means to be part of our family (audio)
EDUCATION: A list of videos for further education (audio)
COMPLAINTS: This is where you can send me your concerns so I can try and solve your issues (audio)
PROBLEMS AND CURES: You might run into various problems. We can find solutions (audio)