To Become an Associate 


Associates must be "actively" enrolled in a minimum of 2 of our "flagship" business opportunities

An associate member receives a "personal website" consisting of their business opportunities that they are promoting. These are shorter links to send around to prospects and are easier for them to type or text ( Each associate can promote as many business opportunity links that they desire. They are also accepting to participate in the Crowd Funding Concept set up by the PowerXS Group as a pay-it-forward platform.

It's very hard to promote a product or service but it is so easy to promote a paying-it-forward for charity concept. (If you had the money to support an organization, which one would you support?) (Let me show you how you can do that then!)

This is a service the PowerXS Group administrator is offering and is asking for a "one time" $20USD donation. This is a donation to the administrator for the services of designing and hosting your personal website link on the internet. Hours are used up to make these sites and the cost of the domain as well as the cost of hosting these sites are a monthly expense out of the administrators pocket, so any help would be much appreciated and I thank you in advance.

To make your donation, please go to the "funding options" links at the bottom of

Any higher donations are very well appreciated and thank you again.

To become an Associate of the PowerXS Group, please contact 1-519-591-2541