The Power Play 


The "powerplay" is where you utilize all matrices to maximize your leverage or multiple positions in one matrix. This allows you the strategy power to support your own downline members with direct enrolling or it allows you to be in a better position under an enroller that is moving quick to give you the maximum income through team "growth".

The concept is to enroll into a "novice" matrix and when you earn a generous income, you can upgrade to the more expensive matrix from your income generated from your present matrix. Now you are making allot of money from 2 sources. The next step is to take some of your earning's from the first 2 matrices and invest into the next matrix where you will be making even more income from all 3 matrices with no out-of-pocket expenses. Plus you will have your entire team follow you through this process. This makes it easier to build, since you don't have to keep recruiting for each level. They are already in your team and are just "moving up the ladder". Most will go and do it but some may not. That is their problem, not yours.

You will all be making allot of money and you will also be able to achieve much more for your support in your "causes", "crusades" and "visions". Especially when a wealthy person joins and doesn't need the money. They will be donating support with 100% of all the income made from all matrices.