Pre-Launch Your Business


The "most" important thing required to become successful, is to have a huge team. It depends on you! Do you want to take forever and always feel like the Biz is failing "or" do you want to see huge results and fast?

You must generate a "names list" (names list PDF). To maximize your "ongoing" names list you should use a "memory jogger" (memory jogger PDF). Without people to talk to, you will never have a team or ever have success.

The first and best people to approach are your family and friends. They are the easiest but scariest to approach, but you can use this for your practice in talking to future prospective contacts. Just realize that since they are your family and friends, that most likely, they will criticize you. This is normal, but it's imperative that you do. You must make them a "deal". Tell them " I have something to show you and I will only show you once. I will never speak of this again unless you ask me first", DEAL? The reason for this is if they join you, they will be your most loyal members. But here is the real reason: When you make a huge income from this and you didn't tell them, they will be very upset with you for or maybe hate you for "not" telling them. When you make a huge income after you told them and they did not join, then you have no reason to ever feel guilty. It was their call!

Define Your "Cause" and "Crusade"

This is extremely important to make your dreams come true. Without a "cause", you don't have "purpose"! You are now in your very own, pay-it-forward, donation funnel. In order to motivate yourself and provide yourself with a reason to promote your venture, you must define your "cause". Cause - Your "WHY"? Once you have defined your "cause", you will have your very own reason to promote and build your community of donors to achieve the completion of your dreams.

Define Your "Cause" PDF download                                  My "Cause" Jogger PDF download

Define Your "Crusade" PDF download                           My "Crusade" Jogger PDF download

Set Up Your Personal "Outside" Wallets

Online Businesses can go down the same as Traditional Business. Look around you! Go into malls, plazas or even down town. Online Businesses or any Business rely on traffic, economy, technology and people. They will not tell you when they are closing, that creates internal disruption like theft or damage. They just close. The Opportunities we have are no different. As the President of the PowerXS Group, I will ask you to "protect" your profits and send your money to your bank or online wallets, as soon as possible,  so you will not lose your investments or profits. Our money inside Businesses are in the control of the companies and "can" always be at risk. So move your "excess" when you can. Below are various online wallets and accounts which you can use that are under your personal control "outside" of the companies we are working with. Check out the ORU Card for future funding and international purchases.




Online funding crypto wallet suggestions,,, (shapeshift advantage),

Get Help!

Once you have your prospective prospect list started, contact your sponsor for help in coordinating your efforts for the greatest startup tactics. List "everyone" that you have ever known, even people you are sure can't do this. You will be surprised. This is important, because profits do not happen until you hit your 3rd stage, so getting there quickly will assure you in your success.

Get Educated

Your back offices have amazing Marketing Systems for you to work with, plus resources for educating you on Crypto Currencies and the Blockchain (the reason crypto exists). Go to your Marketing System and complete your profile. You can also study the website that I created for education (powerxsgroup)

This Is Important!

Once you have studied the business you have invested in, you MUST realize that you "already" know allot MORE than the people you will be approaching. They don't know what you know, so feel the confidence inside you.

The Next Step

1- Spark the Interest

You will need to "spark the interest" to people in your "names list" (talk to your sponsor and go through your names list). You need to find 2 people to support you (using trust and respect) and follow you in your venture. This will be the beginning of your future. Believe in that! Do not rely on spillover from your upline. That's not fair.

2- Show the Plan

Go to your Marketing System and fill out your profile. Send everyone your marketing link "main splash page". Place your link on your Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, etc. Send emails, text messages, etc. This is how we show the plan. Onetimers are different from other MLM Businesses. There are NO meetings. There are NO seminars. That's freedom. Every bit of information to market the Business is on your Marketing Splash Page. The video's and paragraphs, explain everything about the opportunity. If someone asks what is it about? You say, watch the videos. If they ask, how does it work? You say, watch the videos. It's that simple!

3- Teach Your Two

Once you have your two enrolled, teach and help them find their two. Help them run through their names list and give them ideas on where to send their links.

4- Do It All Again

Add more than two. Since they all have a Forced Matrix, it will only speed up your success and help your other team members below you.