Define Your Cause
Without a "cause" we have no purpose
Define Your "Cause" PDF download My "Cause" Jogger PDF download
Define Your "Crusade" PDF download My "Crusade" Jogger PDF download
This can give you some thoughts on what you may like to do with the enormous amount of funds you will receive from the 510 members in your donation community. You need to have a "cause" which of your "why" for the purpose of building this in the first place. This is not a selfish business. This is a business for paying-it-forward and making the world a better place. Without a cause you have no purpose!
The "Why":
Why would you join this business?
Why would you promote this business?
Why would you even care about a business like this?
You will need "running capital" to solve your needs and to build your legacy
The "Cause" Is Part Of Your "Why':
You can receive an abundance of funds to solve your every wish and dreams
Charity starts in your home and then outward towards your crusade/vision
You can promote this and not ever have to sell it
This is a business from the heart and not "smoke and mirrors"