Don't Pretend People Are That Stupid!
Go to the website.
Click on the "join" button.
Fill in your information.
Click the "submit" button.
Wait for the email confirmation and confirm.
Log into the business website.
Finance your project.
Copy and paste your promotion link.
Then share your opportunity with others "first", by promoting your business link through your mobile phone or internet via facebook, linkedin, twitter, gaming sites, etc, etc. Tell them to "just-do-it" for "you". Use your influence!
Then "second", go into the back office and learn while you earn.
It's as "simple" as that!
This will take you "tops", 5 minutes - to add another stream of income to your future
Note: Don't waste your time "baby-sitting" them. Just tell them to "do-it" and you will help them after when they have the questions to ask. All our businesses are "common sense" and "logical". It's not rocket science! Our programs are cheap, simple and to the point. No "smoke and mirrors"
What Do I Say?
What charities do you think you'd like to support? (prospect - The animal shelter). That's cool! I'm supporting the children's wish foundation and then some others. If you help me support mine, I'll help you support yours! (prospect - What do you mean), Charity begins at home so just go to this site (your promo site) and see what I mean. Call me after you have seen it. I'm sure you will have questions! (If you have your computer or phone with you, then go to your link and show them, right now. Always assume a close. To go back to them later is wasting your time and they have already lost interest)
Important: Anybody that has a "" promo link, needs to contact to change or add your personal hyperlink to your site. Then people will be enrolling under you instead of someone else. They are your leads!
PowerXS has made it very simple to build yourself a lucrative business from your home, and I mean "home", There are subliminal messages we send to people every time we promote, offer, sell, etc. that people pick up on. PowerXS is set up to have you as close to freedom as possible. No meetings to attend to, No seminars we are pushing you to be on, No products or services you need to train for. Almost all of our portfolio is based on "one time only" purchase with no monthly out-of-pocket and no qualifying limits. When we "share" our web-links to others, they need to "just-do-it". If we don't promote our opportunities this way, we are sending out the "non-freedom" messages. Whenever you have a meeting, your prospect then thinks they have to do the same for their people. When you have to have a second interview, then you are showing them they need to procrastinate as well. Whatever you do other than suggestions from the leaders will only cost you time and money. (audio)
Note: Going "slow", "medium" or "fast" isn't just the purchase of opportunities, It's the speed and spanning of your link to others. Don't keep it a secret! We are offering a tremendous amount of "FREE" advertising companies for you to join and promote your links on. This will help a great deal and also spread your message, internationally around the world. The internet is "powerful". Use It!